Burning Bluffs

Burning Bluffs

Samantha Stunkel, Staff Writer

Home is a warm bed you can get into after a hard day at work, a cozy couch to snuggle on while watching the latest episode of The Walking Dead, a beautiful kitchen to make your family food, hearing those little laughs down the hallway, a place to come too when you need security and comfort. But for some people that was all taken away last Monday.

On April 12th at approximately 10:30 am, the Junction City Bluffs apartment complex was reported to be on fire. Residents were immediately told to evacuate as quickly as possible, leaving them no time to collect their most memorable and personal items.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and fortunately no one was injured.

In the meantime other residents of the apartment complex are pitching in some helping hands for those affected by the fire. Blankets, food, and water have all been collected to help those in need.

The Red Cross is also lending a huge helping hand by teaming with the Bluffs management, trying to accommodate those in need of a new home.