FFA hosts annual banquet
Junior FFA member Gabrielle Brown presents the introduction of guests at the annual FFA banquet held on April, 21, 2022 in the Junction City High School Events Center.
April 29, 2022
The FFA organization had their annual banquet on Thursday, April 21st, 2022. The aim of the banquet is to celebrate the year, and reflect on themselves and their accomplishments, appoint new officers for next year, and give out awards. FFA is stemmed in traditions, camaraderie and fellowship. They also hope to strengthen communities.
Laura Miller, FFA sponsor and teacher, shared her memories and reminisced about the great group of students she had the privilege of interacting with and mentored over the course of the year. Miller also said that this banquet would be significant because this was their first in-person meeting since 2019. Most of the members were ecstatic as this would be a brand-new experience. Also in attendance were alumni, former members, the friends of FFA, sponsors, and other JCHS staff.
Ms. Rachel Sebesta was the keynote speaker. She gave a beautiful, heartfelt, motivation speech and told the audience of how she overcame her biggest regret. That the small leather ribbon meant the world to her. After the banquet, Sebesta described that her favorite thing about the FFA banquets was the greenhand ceremony. She explained that the greenhand degree is for the new upcoming members, but for her, it is not just a pin on a jacket, it is a symbol of the next generation of kids; it’s passing on the torch.