Winter Homecoming, Blast or Bust?

Katrina Muller, Staff Writer

It’s a well-known, classic, American tradition. Every fall students participate in a spirit week for the ages and at the end of the week, the school holds a pep rally and home football game crowning the Homecoming King and Queen. But a growing number of schools have opted to hold a second homecoming in the year, the Winter Hoco. At our very own JCHS, we did just that.

The night started with the home game. While we didn’t win any of the games, we sure won in school spirit. At 9 pm it was time for the festivities to begin.

It quickly became apparent that the student body wasn’t really clear on the dress code. Some students showed up dressed in floor-length prom-style gowns and others showed up in jeans. Most came in short cocktail-style dresses to play it safe.

About 30 minutes into the dance it became apparent that not many more students were going to attend. The dance was made mostly up of lowerclassmen and fewer than ten seniors in total, including myself and my date.

As for decorations, there could have been some improvement. There were two photo booths set up for students to take photos.

One of my favorite moments from the night was watching as awkward teens tried to take photos with their dates. I remember seeing one couple stand side by side and barely even touch.

The dance lasted for about two hours and the event ended at around 11 that evening. While there weren’t many people in attendance, I personally believe that dances are what you make of them. So long as you’re with the right people, you’ll be sure to have a good time!