After School Jobs


Madison Moore, Staff Writer

School’s already hard as it is, with all the school work, the drama, the after school activities, and sports, and now it’s that time of our life where we’re supposed to be getting jobs. A few students give us their insight on how they feel about after school jobs.


“I work at Papa Murpheys. I work around 20 hours a week and get off  usually  around 10. It’s not really an inconvenience to me, but it does get in the way of my school work. I have no time to do homework by the time I get home. It’s pretty stressful but it’s money, it’s good. It’s good money.”

– Justin Beydili (Junior)



“I work at Sonic about 5 days a week. It’s really easy and it doesn’t interfere with school all that much. I like the money and that’s all I really like about the job. Learning to manage your own money helps you for the future which is also good.”

– Anngelique Contreras (Senior)




“I actually don’t have a job but I would like one, mainly something music related. I only want a job so I could buy adult things, like food. The only thing stopping me from getting a job is I don’t have much determination because I don’t want it to interfere with my school work.

– Elijah Fiest (Junior)


“IBrandon don’t have a job but I do want one. I’d really like to work at Taco Bell, I just don’t have any motivation to go out and work. I really want a job so I can take my girlfriend out on dates and some other things. Hopefully I’ll get one soon.”

– Brandon Barr (Junior)

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“I work at Jim Clark which is great because being able to be around the car business is what I’ve always wanted to do. Sometimes I don’t like my job, sometimes I do, it’s a hit or miss really. It doesn’t get in the way of my school work, I usually only work til 7. It’s not much of an inconvenience, and I love the money and that’s how I pay for my car.”

– Kaleb Evans (Senior)