Anti-bullying Awareness Week

This week at JCHS, the student body is raising awareness for bully prevention month. The sophomore committee contributed to this week by having students write their name and chain them together in the commons area during seminar on October 22nd, 2014. The chained names represented unity and supported anti-bullying.

For each day of the week, each committee contributed by doing different activities:

On Monday, the senior committee passed out orange ribbons.

On Tuesday, the student council passed out candy.

On Wednesday, the sophomore committee linked names together during seminar.

Mrs. Oliver, the sophomore committee representative, stated her opinion on the bullying cause and said it was to unite the student body and stamp out bullying.

She stated that the problem with bullying is

“Sometimes people don’t know that they’re bullying someone else.”

She thought a way to solve bullying is to

“Put yourself in someone else’s shoes”

The student body is trying to create awareness for other problems and are going to do activities to raise awareness every month. Next week on Halloween, students are to wear pink to “Scare away Cancer” to support cancer awareness.