10 Ways to Deal with High School Stress


JCHS students studying in their English class.

Sarah Taylor, Staff Writer

Pre AP and AP classes, new people, strict teachers, bullying, deadlines, and infinite homework. A lot of things ride on the back of each student, but is there any way to help carry the load?

  1. Homework in Class Obviously, the burden of homework will be less crushing if it can be done, or at least started, in advisory. Put your phone down and start on your studies. Advisory is also good for travelling, so it’s easier to get help on the homework you should be doing.
  2. Be Respectful To get on your teacher’s good side, just do your work. If you’re trustworthy, they’ll be easier to deal with, and your grades will be boosted. Otherwise, be quiet and participate.
  3. Self-Care Take a bath, drink some tea, and don’t procrastinate. Ever. Doing your work and studying from early on will give you some leeway to relax down the line.
  4. Don’t Fight If you mind your own business, the people around you will do the same. There’s no need to start drama or make enemies. School isn’t a fight club, nor is it a tea party.
  5. Speak First Don’t be afraid to talk to someone because chances are they will respond positively. If not, leave it alone. Best case scenario, one more person to study with.
  6. Ask for Help Take a breath and communicate with your teachers. They are there to help you, not fail you. If there’s anything you don’t understand, bite the bullet and ask. If not, ask the person next to you, or ask them to contact the teacher.
  7. Do Not Skip Come to school as often as you can. Missing school results in missed work, which results in a hard game of catch-up. Missing class also shows up on your permanent record, which isn’t a good thing.
  8. Stay Clean Take care of yourself. Showing up stinking and moldy will not help you at all. Taking a shower also has healing properties to make you feel fresh and ready to learn. A cup of water and breakfast will also fuel you so that you’re internally ready to learn.
  9.       Stay Rested Get plenty of sleep. On the same token, don’t get too much sleep. The right amount of rest will have you ready for the day and ready to learn, so remember to abide by your bed time.
  10. Have Fun Remember that school isn’t just work and no play. It’s no fun to be serious all day, every day, so be sure to relax from time to time. Nothing is permanent and you can always get back up. Stress won’t help anything, so just do your absolute best.