What is News Worthy?


Armani Lawrence, Staff Writer


What is News Worthy?

Beyond a simple definition of a complex situation, beyond closed eyes, is a story. Anyone is worth the time to be invested in and who says that they can’t? Society has made it to where if you are lacking in any way you are not worthy of being on the first page if you don’t have an extraordinary life, does society care to hear you?

People are lost in the rifts of their own making and instead of helping, people watch others suffer. The headline shouldn’t be about another brawl amongst celebrities. Why aren’t we focus on the people who are struggling? The people who need to be heard yet they are muted because it’s not enough for others definition of “worthy”.

What is considered to be “worthy” and who defines what is and what is not? Who are we to decide this?

The power people give themselves over other is a problem alone that has rooted itself deep in the world of social media and the web as a whole. If you don’t have a certain amount of followers or “friends” your words are just a whisper into the abyss that surrounds you. It makes these people question what is wrong with them. It makes them envy the pretty girl who take flawless pictures or the guy whose simple “lms” will get thousands of likes because it’s just how things are.

These days’ wise words go to waste in this world of ignorance. A world where people cannot acknowledge that maybe it is wrong how many people lead their lives. These people with the million followers don’t realize that half of them are dreamers who dream to be like them. They look up to them. And the question is then, are they setting the right example?

A world where violence and pain is glorified for the purpose of entertainment. And if you don’t believe it, when have you laughed at the girl who got hit in the face by a shovel or the girl who fell through the table. It’s sad that these are able to get online. That a person will allow such things to happen and simply watch with a cell phone at face leveled cursing at the ridiculousness of which they are contributing. Do the people of our society think twice before posting such things? The answer is, no.

The pleasure taken from the sad attempts for acknowledgment. To be heard. It shouldn’t take a ridiculous vine for someone to be noticed that they have talent. Why don’t we turn the focus on the family whose home burned down and have recently been placed in another? The ignorance of society is so frequent, you could question someone about the issues in Flint, Missouri and they would probably say, “what issue?”.

Our focus is off.

We as a nation and society need to pay attention to the issue right here. Open our eyes, let go of the oblivion that has withheld us from the painful truth. We are twisted and many people wouldn’t notice and those who do, don’t exactly care to change. We have people abusing their platform that could be used for good.

Is it  a good message or because it’s helpful criticism? Why are these the things we ignore? It’s a wonder when will the people take down the veil they put up over their own eyes. When people open their minds maybe then they will hear them, the ones who were muted behind the deafening sound of the rise of ignorance within the web. It’s then that their story could be told. It is then they will be “worthy”.