Legally Blonde: Spring Musical Update


Samantha Stunkel, Staff Writer

Oh my god, oh my god you guys! Junction City High School’s spring musical “Legally Blonde” is right around the corner.

The Performing Arts Academy will be showcasing a sneak peak of the show on Wednesday, March 9th during 4th and 5th hour. See Mrs. Richie in room 111 at the CAC, or the front office at the FSA for your FREE ticket. Due to the large amount of students and staff only a select amount will be able to attend, so don’t miss your chance and get your ticket soon! You must have a ticket to enter to the auditorium.

The actual show will be performed the following three days, March 1oth, 11th, and 12th. The show will start at 7:00 pm for all three days. Tickets will be available in room 111 at the CAC, or at the auditorium entrance the night of the shows.

Click the video below to see the “Legally Blonde” advertisement produced by the Blue Jay Media students.