Senior Farewell: Jonathan Hunter

My whole time at high school, I always felt like I shifted from year to year. Every year I wanted to be something else. Until my senior year and I finally found that spark that everybody finds in high school and I’ve became great at that. I feel that the least I could do is thank each teacher that has opened the path for me I never knew I was going to take when I was a freshman.

Freshman year was kind of all over the place. I thought it was going to be hard for you if you didn’t know people from middle school because everybody already knows each other. I went to school in Korea so there wasn’t a freshman academy. But of course, without a freshman academy that meant only one thing: Freshman Fridays. Freshman year gives you the supplies to build your path for your future.

Sophomore year was awkward for me because I moved back to the states after three years and I joined late so it was even more awkward being the new kid again. This is the year where I thought to myself “okay I know what I want to be and I’m taking electives that will get me there”. I ended up going to qualifying for nationals in the school’s forensics team and I’ve never been anywhere beside Kansas and Korea so it was an awesome experience to represent my school in another state. Sophomore year for me gave me the blueprint on how to make my path and when I’m going to achieve the final product.

Junior year was when I finally started taking things seriously. I noticed I didn’t want to be someone who gave speeches all day and I wanted to tell people a story through what was on of my favorite classes I’ve ever taken. Graphic Design 2 and Advanced Graphic Design taught me everything I needed to know about Photoshop and it got me in the editing world. I rarely listened to Mr. Engelman when he would teach us how to accurately complete the assignment and I’d just do it myself. Advanced Graphic Design was when I really wanted to teach myself how to edit by myself because I always stuck to the mindset that nobody is going to teach you when I’m out of high school. Junior year was when I started building my path but it’s shaky so there’s still more work to be added.

Senior year went by so quick. I had the opportunity to work with people at the skill I was good at countless times. I had the option of being an intern for the Audio and Video class run by Mr. Garver and I gladly took my chance. I learned so much in being an intern. Most of what I learned throughout that internship was all self-taught. Most of my skill is self-taught now that I think about it. It was an amazing experience being able to show my skill to the school. Senior year was finishing the path and finally seeing what I want to do after high school and pursue as a potential career.

Overall, my whole high school experience was me going from place to place, changing my mind every year, and then finally knowing what I want to be my junior year and trying to perfect it my senior year. I want to give a big thanks to every teacher who gave me an opportunity to be where I am now.