Legally Blonde: Spring Musical Preview


Samantha Stunkel, Staff Writer

The weekend before spring break, March 10th, 11th, and 12th, Mr. Brown and his acting students will be performing their spring musical “Legally Blonde”.

“An ambitious young lady, Elle Woods, is desperately in love with her college boyfriend Warner. But when he breaks up with her to go to law school and get serious, she decides to get serious too so they can be together” says Brown “At school, she struggles with peers, professors, and her love life. With the help of Paulette and Emmett, though, Elle quickly realizes her potential and sets out to prove herself to the world”.

The cast has been working extremely hard to make this the best show yet. “People should come see Legally Blonde because it’s nothing like they’ve ever seen before” said Anna Marie Sosa who plays Serena. “It’s new and contemporary; people will love it”.

Some students think that drama and choir students do not put much effort into their performances. So this year the cast is determined to show what they are capable of, and want their peers and the community to come support them.

“Rehearsals have been long and tiresome,” said Megan Berry, who plays Margot. “Our choreography is very intense this year, harder than any other show”.

The show is very relevant to students, and young audiences are sure to appreciate what it has to offer. It will have some language, given that it’s PG13, but the directors are making sure that it will be as family friendly as possible.

The directors and cast are extremely excited to present this show to the community, and hope that it will be one of their most successful shows yet.

“I expect this to be one of the most high energy, and upbeat shows that Junction City has ever done” said Brown.