National Honor Society Inducts New Members

Elyse Nguyen

New Inductees Abigail Critton (12), Hailey Eschliman (11), and Nathan Green (10) after recieivng their National Honor Society certificates.

Elyse Nguyen, Staff Writer

Junction City High School’s chapter of National Honor Society held its annual induction ceremony on April, 15. National Honor Society is one of, if not the most, prestigious and selective high school clubs in the nation. Its mission is to recognize and honor students who not only excel in the classroom, but also in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

When it came time to select the new inductees, a lot of time was needed to thoroughly examine each candidate. The selection process is always long, but it is important to be thorough since every student selected must be capable of maintaining the club’s highest standards. The NHS application consists of a resume-type packet where students list school and community activities they were involved in, a written essay, and three teacher evaluations.

The club looks for well-rounded students who display high character and leadership. Using these two qualities in conjunction with the rest of the pillars, the essay, and the teachers’ evaluations of the students, the decisions were made.

Those three things are the deciding factors, and if one is weak out of the three, sometimes that’s not bad, but if a lot of it is weak then that is what usually gets a ‘no’ vote,” said Lisa Torres-Wigton, the NHS advisor and English teacher.

The selection process was very meticulous, with only the most qualified being inducted. This year, 16 members were accepted, and 15 were inducted at the ceremony, adding to the chapter’s current 19 members.

I feel honored that I was selected to be a part of such a prestigious club,” said sophomore Malia Silva, one of the inductees. “I know that it’ll help me stay on track throughout the rest of my high school career and open many doors for me in the future for multiple opportunities.”


2019 National Honor Society inductees:

Abigail Critton (12)

Hailey Eschliman (11)

Nathan Green (10)

Jada Harris (11)

Nyasia Harris (10)

Kaylee Long (11)

Elyse Nguyen (10)

Breanna Palmer (11)

Paloma Picazo-Padilla (12)

Carlos Rodriguez (11)

Conor Rom (10)

Chase Ruffley (11)

Ashlynn Shea (10)

Malia Silva (10)

Manuel Villamor (10)

Kody Westerhaus (12)