10 Fun Things To Do Over Spring Break
Thrift shopping is one of the fun and inexpensive things to do this spring break.
March 9, 2018
For JCHS, spring break starts on the March and ends on the 25th. That means there is a little over a week for spring break 2018! If your past breaks haven’t been too eventful or you just need new ideas to spice it up this spring, there are always new and exciting things to try this upcoming break!
- Catch Up On Sleep:
We’re in school for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Spring break is the perfect time to sleep in and take tons of naps, since your free time during school is typically occupied with homework and stressing.
- Go Thrift Shopping:
Take some time off and spend your day at the local thrift store. Not only does this save you money that you can spend elsewhere during break, you can score some typically expensive or rare items that would be seen in major clothing stores.
- Volunteer:
Most of us have community service hours we still need to complete for graduation. This spring break, you can get some volunteer hours in.
- Binge Watch Movies or Binge Read:
While you sit at home on your couch with no ideas of what to do, pull up a good movie, TV series, or books to read and watch. It’s a great time to check out all of the hyped-up shows going around on social media.
- Go Swimming:
With the weather warming up and the sun coming out, it’s the perfect time to take a swim at a lake, pool, or even the beach.
- Scratch Something Off Your Bucket List:
We all have something we absolutely want to do at some point in our lives. Whether it’s big or small, this spring break gives you just enough time to complete anything you’ve always wanted to do.
- Take Pictures:
Take pictures of anywhere you visit, sites that you see, your family and friends, and yourself too.
- Reach a Goal:
Whether it’s getting a higher grade, speaking out more, losing weight, or spending less money, you’ll feel a lot more accomplished by the end of break if you reach one of your desired goals.
- Try New Foods:
If you’re traveling this break, try stopping in every major city or places around you and eating their most popular foods. Or, just experiment with new foods at home.
- Try Something That Scares You:
Within reason, trying something that scares you can help you feel more confident. It can be anything like speaking in public, going sky-diving, or doing an activity by yourself without friends to rely on.
Spring break is just around the corner. Trying to do something you wouldn’t typically do could be the cure for boredom this year.