BREAKING: New Threat Discovered At CAC

October 25, 2017
On Tuesday, October 24, JCHS administration notified staff and community members of a threat that was found on a school graphing calculator in the Career Academy Campus. So far, no credibility was found behind the threat and student safety was never at risk.
An email was sent to JCHS staff members and parents by Fine Arts and Human Services principal, Douglas Sallee, alerting them to the potential threat.
“JCHS Administration became aware of a possible threat to the school which was left anonymously on a school graphing calculator,” the email stated. “Though the threat cited October 25th, out of an abundance of caution, we will be partnering with members of our local law enforcement over the next few days to help ensure that we are continuing to provide a safe learning environment for our students.”
This is the second threat in a span of 10 days. An individual attempted to bring in a concealed weapon into the Freshmen Success Academy on Monday, October 16th.
The creator of the threat discovered at the CAC has not been identified, but the matter is still being investigated by the authorities.
“Currently, we have found no evidence to suggest that this is more than a threat. We continue to investigate this matter and thank our law enforcement partners for their assistance,” Mr. Sallee stated in the email.
When contacted, Mr. Sallee would not comment on specific details, but did say, “I believe we mitigated the risk by being transparent and open with parents.”
Additional details will be reported as we learn more.