New Teacher Feature: History Teacher Ms. Meek
Ms. Meek is a first year U.S. History and Government teacher. She is a recent graduate from K-State.
September 15, 2017
With a new year upon us at Junction City High School, there are several new teachers joining the staff. I got to talk with one of the new teachers in the building.
Ms. Meek is one of the new first year teachers. She teaches both U.S. History and Government, subjects she has always enjoyed.
“For as long as I can remember I have always loved history and it’s always been my favorite subject in school,” she said.
Junction City has gotten a lot of new teachers this year and it’s always interesting why they chose to work at our school.
“I have had amazing experiences with the staff here at Junction City and the students are very diverse and everyone has a unique personality that makes it so enjoyable to teach here,” she said.
A big part of becoming a teacher is choosing what grade you want to teach.
“With high school students you are able to have meaningful conversations and discussions but all the while you are still able to do the fun things like you are with younger students,” she said.
Meek is also interested in continuing her education at some point.
“I do want to go back to school for my master’s degree eventually. I just don’t know when I want to go back and I don’t know if I want to go back for leadership or education as my major, but I definitely want to go back to school eventually,” Meek said.
Teachers come and go in public schooling, but here at Junction City High School teachers seem to love teaching here and stay for a long time.
“I would love to teach here at Junction City High School for quite a while”, she said.
With the start of the new school year, Miss Meek is very excited to teach here at Junction City High School.
“I’m looking forward to this school year, and teaching here at Junction City!” Meek says.