Bloody Investigation Occurs Within SET Academy
March 7, 2016
On Friday February 26th, 2016 an altercation occurred between two students where one student was fatally wounded. Eye witnesses reported that Tracy Freeman suffered a fatal blow to the head and had marks that indicated he was choked. We are still waiting for confirmation from local authorities about the crime.

Thankfully however the blood at the crime scene was fake and the students involved were acting. The SET Academy conducted an exercise where a mock crime scene was set up in the building. Students in Ms. Dettmer’s Health Science class and Mr. Biery’s Law and Public Safety class acted as first responders by investigating the crime scene and provided emergency care to the injured. The exercise was intended to provide students with a real world experience in the career they want to pursue.
None of the students knew about the crime scene except for the few that were in it. Tracy Freeman was the victim of the crime, Ally McKenzie and Macy Jones discovered the crime scene, Carrington Porter and Madison Roether rode in an EMT on the way to the High School, and Mr. Biery’s Law and Public safety class examined the crime scene.
Ally McKenzie and Macy Jones discovered the crime scene. The came bursting into the room and immediately examined the body that was fatally injured. As one girl performed CPR while the other called 911 and the switched roles until the patient had a steady heartrate.
About five to ten minutes later the EMT’s arrived at the scene along with Madison Roether and Carrington Porter who rode with them. The two students who accompanied the EMTs started to perform CPR on Tracy Freeman who was the student fatally injured in the crime scene. After minutes of CPR and checking Tracey’s pulse the EMTs moved him onto the stretcher and took him away in the ambulance.
As the ambulance drove away Mr. Biery’s Law and Public Safety class came into the building to examine the crime scene. The class was large so the class was split into 4 teams and each team got seven minutes to examine the crime scene. Each team got a police officer or sheriff to help them examine the crime scene and give them tips. A miniature camera and notepad was given to each team. A go pro camera was set up in the room and recorded the whole exercise for further examination.
This exercise was a unique learning opportunity and the school plans to continue these types of exercise to provide students real world experiences.
“This exercise is a baby trial and the end goal is to eventually coordinate this exercise to a lockdown drill.” Ms. Dettmer wants these exercises to continue in future years saying “I think these exercises can be a good thing to come and I hope we continue doing the exercises and progressing.”