Walk with Caution

Kalyn Love, Staff Writer

You’re walking down the hallway minding your own business when all of a sudden you are hit in the face with a big brown door. Most of the classroom doors at Junction City High School are actually pull doors instead of push. Meaning that you must pull the door to go in and push the door to leave. This is a dangerous feature for the students of JCHS. Multiple students have complained about the inconvenience of having pull doors, most being that they get hit in the hallway when people open the door trying to leave the classroom.

“I’ve been hit with the door right in the face and I thought I broke my nose.” Junior Marissa Iopu said.

Another major concern with pull doors surround the potential dangers. During a lock down drill students must turn off the lights, barricade the door, and hide in a safe place. The main problem being that barricading the door won’t be much help because the intruder will only have to open the door and hop over the obstacles.

“I got hit with a door my sophomore year and it hurt really bad, and the danger aspect concerns me too, what if there is a real intruder threat.” Senior Dezerea Smith commented.

Some students don’t seem to care but for those that do they have a lot of ideas as to how to correct the problem:

  • Make all the doors transparent
  • Switch all the doors from pulls to pushes
  • Make a universal knock code for students opening the door

“My first day of school I got hit by one of the doors here. To fix the problem they should just have windows on all the doors so incoming and outgoing people can see.” Sophomore Derrione Brown remarked.

The concern is not only for traveling students in the hall but also for students in their classes. During passing period students will push in the open doors while other students are trying to walk out. They get pushed in the face when students close the door to move through the halls.

The potential chance of accidents happening is very high. Students should take caution of swinging doors when walking through the halls. Be safe and my the odds be ever I your favor.