Preparing for Spring Storms

April 27, 2015
Now that it’s spring, severe spring storms become much more frequent. Within the last few weeks alone, we’ve experienced multiple severe thunderstorms and much more are to come in the coming weeks and months.
Every year thunderstorms cause billions of dollars in property damage. Hailstorms alone cost nearly a billion dollars. On average, there are roughly 1200 tornado touchdowns every year in the United States. Many of these occur in tornado alley—which is in our own backyard here in Kansas. But tornadoes are not the only thing you should be worried about.
While it is hard to predict storms and what exactly will come from them, there are many steps that you can do to prepare for anything that should happen. Use these tips, and you will be prepared for anything Mother Nature has to throw your way:
1) First of all, pay attention to the Weatherman. They are there to keep you informed about the storms and let you know if anything is oncoming. Take the precautions they say, and immediately take shelter if they issue a tornado watch or warning. Taking shelter early will give you more time and greatly increase your safety.
2) Second, tie down or bring in things that could be blown around. In case of severe wind or tornadoes, they will be less likely to be blown at or into your house, and will not cause the damage that would otherwise be done.
3) Prior to a storm, you should prepare an emergency kit. Make sure it is stocked with non-perishable food, water, a first-aid kit, flashlights and extra batteries. You should also have a battery operated radio, should the power go off.
4) You should also trim tree branches that could fall on your house during a storm.
5) When a storm is imminent, immediately get inside and close all windows and doors. Both lighting and wind can harm you if you are caught outside in a storm. Make sure that you pull down any drapes and blinds that way if you glass breaks, it will be less likely to come into the home.
6) Additionally, make sure to know how to turn off the power in your home. This will greatly decrease the likelihood of damage to your electronics if the power should go off. Unplug expensive electronics for even more protection.
7) Also, set your refrigerator to the coldest setting it will go, that way if the power should go off, your food will remain cold for longer and will not spoil as fast.
8) Have home insurance and flood insurance. Should anything happen to your home, your insurance will help with disaster assistance.
9) Go to your shelter during a tornado watch or warning, even if you don’t believe there will be one. Tornadoes often come at no warning and move quickly. You should never believe that a tornado could not come into your area.
With these tips, you and your family will be significantly safer in any spring storm that should happen. Always remember to take precautions during storms to reduce the risks of damage. You should be up to date with weather reports at all times during and if there is a storm approaching.
Works Cited:
“Ready Your Home for Spring Storms.” Ready Your Home for Spring Storms. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.