Discovery Day for the Freshman

February 25, 2015
Last week on Tuesday, February 18, 2015 the Freshman came to the Main Campus to discover the different career clusters and learn about their potential careers. There were many different career clusters ranging from Agriculture to Visual Arts.
The freshman had a sheet where they would get a stamp from eight different stands that they were interested in. If they were interested in the stand or they wanted to be involved in that cluster they would give the stand their “Exit Pass” with their information.
In each stand, students from the Career Academy Campus represented their career cluster and talked to freshmen that were interested. The students were exempted from their white day classes that day just to talk to the upcoming sophomores.
There were many interactive activities for the freshman to experience the different clusters. The Culinary career had small cupcakes to decorate and eat for each freshman and prepared over 300 mini cupcakes in advance. The police academy had drunk goggles and handcuffs the students could use. The science, technology, engineering, and math education cluster had fully functioning robots made in robotics to present. The visual arts and communication had live painters for the visual arts section and a sample of live production to show the freshman.
Many of the freshman were very curious in their future career choice and could find a career cluster out of the many to choose from. This experience lets the upcoming sophomores meet people in the main campus and learn how these career clusters work. These stands can also give the students information on how they can get involved with their career with extra curricular activities.
Afterwards, the students all came together in a Q&A session to ask the upperclassmen some questions they had about certain careers and tips in coming into the Career Academy Campus.
Discovery day is a day to get the freshman to gain a small experience of the main campus for the next year and a way to inform students to transition into the next year.