What are You In-Tuned To?

October 28, 2014
iTunes Hit List: Indie
Music is the expression of our hearts. It shows how we feel, think and communicate. It is a huge aspect in our society. Indie music originated from the word independent in the 1950’s-1960’s. Independent stands not only for self-governing and liberation, but for the freedom to express thoughts through music. Usually, music genres express a certain rhythm or style. Indie is different from this stereotype because it is a mixture of blues, jazz, rock and poetry. It is art for the ear.
Music to My Ear:
- Oh, It is Love- Hellogoodbye
- Mountain Sound- Of Monsters and Men
- Bear- The Antlers
- Skinny Love- Bon Iver
- Think of You- A Fine Frenzy
- Blood Bank- Bon Iver
- Home- Edward Sharp and The Magnetic Zeros
- To Kingdom Come- Passion Pit
- Someday- The Strokes
- Shelter- Birdy