We Need Gun Control

On the night of October 1, 2017 America experienced its deadliest mass shooting in history in Las Vegas, Nevada. 59 people were killed and over 400 injured by one shooter: a man named Stephen Paddock, along with his collection of guns.

This isn’t the first time this country has experienced gun related violence. Major shootings have occurred in Columbine, Sandy Hook,  Orlando, and recently in our own city of Lawrence on Mass St. – just to name a few.

Although people would decline to admit, it is important to label this shooter for what he really is: a terrorist. This shooting is just the tipping point for this country to realize that guns are what is really the issue. If the President doesn’t step up and put regulations on guns, these shootings will no doubt continue.

The problem is that Americans are so deep in denial about guns, bringing up the 2nd amendment and so forth. Yes, legally any U.S. citizen can own guns. However, considering the countless shootings we have experienced in the past 15 years, it is obvious that the solution is simply to get rid of the guns that is causing worthless and unnecessary amounts of trauma, devastation, and loss.

Now, let’s just all put away our patriotic pride for a couple of seconds, long enough to admit that we need gun control. Yes, I said it. The only way our country can live up to it’s name is to address the problems that are prevalent, and then make a change.

America desperately needs progress. If our President isn’t going to appropriately emphasize this country’s gun problem, then we as American’s need to keep spreading awareness about the way guns have negatively affected the U.S. in more ways than one. If not, I’m sure these shootings will continue and my point will speak for itself.



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