What have you made for yourself?


Armani Lawrence, Staff Writer

What have you made for yourself?


This should be the time of our lives. We are young, curious, emotional, confused, reckless, excited, and influential. Simply, we are teens. Many of us feel like we have time to get our lives together.

The question is how? How can we bring together our lives to prepare to go out into the world on our own? Things are constantly changing and teachers cannot teach you how to live. It is what you will have to learn on your own.

Are you ready for that? To not have a forced routine and having the responsibilities of an adult? Adulthood is often wished for by teens. Freedom from school, parents, and any adult stopping you from doing what you want.

Can we handle doing what we want? Sometimes your wants are not what you need and need to stay as just that, wants. We all have dreams and it is possible to achieve the goals we set.

what have we done in order to get there?

Are we preparing to follow our dreams or obsess over a newfound freedom? Freedom is a powerful thing. Being encaged and suffocated will create a teen starving for the simple taste of freedom.

However, what will we do with it? Will we get a job and save for college, get that scholarship and go directly to college, take a year off to travel? There needs to be a plan.

We need to be ready to take the world head on. We have to shape ourselves to fit the image that we want for our future. Because it is only on us. So, what have you done with yourself to prepare you for the world beyond the halls of our school?

The preparation does not come from your parents or your teachers, your coach, your boss, and any of your elders. They will always be someone telling you about their experiences and their lives.

When it is time, how will you lead and live your own life?