This week Mr. Hagemeister and his drama club will be presenting their fall play “Anne of Green Gables”.
“This play is about this older brother and sister that have lived on their family farm for years and years but they are becoming older and need help on the farm so they send someone to get an orphan boy to help with chores and other things but the person they send gets it mixed up and brings home a girl who’s name is Anne.” Explained Mr. Hagemeister.
Despite the fact that they planned on having an orphan boy to help them around the farm the older brother Matthew Cuthbert is much obliged to keeping her. In opposition to Matthew is his sister Marilla Cuthbert.
“Matthew the brother kind of feels a connection with her and wants to keep her but the older sister Marilla is dead set against keeping a girl. The story is really about Anne and the mischief she gets into and how she really grows on Marilla.” said Hagemeister.
The leading roles in the play are Anne Shirley (Kai Roberts), Marilla Cuthbert (Bella Omann), Matthew Cuthbert (Jordan Biggs), and Rachel Lynde (Kirstyn Groff).
Students may get into the play for free with their student ID cards (You must have your student ID present). If you do not have your ID present with you, you must pay the fee of five dollars. Parents/Guardians or other family members must pay the fee of five dollars also.
The play will be showing at Junction City High School at the Career Academy Campus in Settles auditorium from November 20th through the 21st.